Do you know that it is now possible to earn a College Degree while you are working? Then, if you are residing in Cebu and nearby cities or municipalities, go to the University of Cebu and ask about the ETEEAP program.
ETEEAP or the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program is the answer to your dream.
What is ETEEAP?
ETEEAP is an alternative education program in the Philippines which helps working citizenry who were unable to finish college education or those who haven’t even entered college, to earn a Bachelor’s Degree without going through the usual traditional system of education.
This is applicable for working individuals who had completed five (5) or more years of working experience, who have a great chance of using their working knowledge and experience or achievements they had in their jobs, to be able to earn school credits that will be deductible from the total number of units that one is required to earn before they can graduate.
ETEEAP applicants are required to take entrance examination that are geared into general knowledge but more course specific to determine how well you know your job and the course you intend to enroll.
The University of Cebu has been deputized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to implement ETEEAP program since June 1999 and the university had produce successful graduates since then.
How to qualify for ETEEAP?
- Applicant must be an established Filipino citizen
- Had completed Secondary Education or passed Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT).
- Employed for at least five (5) years related to Academic Degree applied for, and
- He/She must be at least 25 years old
Admission Requirements:
A.1 Accomplished ETEEAP application form with 1X1 ID picture
A.2 Letter of Intent written by applicant
A.3 Resume
A.4 NSO/PSA Birth Certificate
A.5 NSO/PSA Marriage Certificate (for women applicants)
A.6 Form 138 for High School or Transcript of Records
B. Work Experience and Professional Achievement Record
B.1 Certificate of Employment (All employment records including job description)
B.2 Certificate of seminars or training attended ( Certified True Copy by Employer) for evaluation purposes
What are the Courses Offered in University of Cebu
1.BS Business Adminisstration
Major in:
Financial Management, Human Resource Developement Management, Management Accounting, MArketing MAnagement
2. BS Criminology
3. Allied Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical E ngineering
- Mechanical Engineering
For more information on the UC ETEEAP program, you may check on the following:
Trunkline: (63 32) 255 7777 local 176
Contact persons:
- Michelle Caray Villasin – ETEEAP Secretary (Mobile no. 0923 101 4564)
- Ms. Gwen Belarmino – ETEEAP Director (Mobile no. 0922 847 0055)
List of Cebu and Dumaguete Schools and Universities Offering ETEEAP
- Cebu Doctor’s University (BS Computer Science, BS Biology)
- Cebu Institute of Technology University ( BS Education, Commerce, Engineering)
- Cebu Normal University ( BS Elementary Education, BS Secondary Education)
- Silliman University (BS Nursing)
- Southwestern University (BS Engineering, Computer Science, Commerce)
- University of San Jose Recoletos ( BS Education, BSBA, BS Commerce, BS Engineering)
- University of the Visayas (BS Criminology, BS Commerce, BS Elementary Education and Secondary Education)
- Negros Oriental State University (BS Criminology, AB MassCom, BS Business Administration)
So, what are you waiting for? Check on your nearest school and coordinate if they have other documentary requirements aside from what we have presented here or you may coordinate with the office of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
Do you have some questions or suggestions pertaining to government agencies or general knowledge? You may share it with us.
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